Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

The kids had a wonderful morning, exchanging and opening gifts. I especially enjoyed that they were old enough to want to buy and make each other presents! They really seemed to enjoy the giving! It was nice that we live close enough to my folks, that we didn't have to haul presents to their house, yet we could be there to enjoy the festivities a few hours later.

It was so nice of Santa to work with Mother Nature to give us snow to use our "Christmas present". Yes, we do have a new camera too! Still I would rather have a treadmill than a snow-blower :)

I wasn't really trying for this facial expression, but wanted to show this picture of Anna and the zippy bag. She wanted to put EVERY present in the zippy bag I gave her to put her stocking stuffers in. I remember Carolyn at the same age, surrounded by toys in my parent's basement, happily focused on HER zippy bag, full of stocking treasures - not really interested in anything else!

The kids and my parents at my brother's house, Christmas Day.

Once again, my marvelous brother and sister-in-law hosted Christmas Day dinner. Here are the Grandparents and grandkids present (sorry to L* who was on the phone at the time!).

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you Betsy to be so much closer to family! Merry, merry Christmas! Aren't little ones funny about bags, containers, or whatever they find that can hold treasures! Mine are currently focused on having a DRAWER to keep whatever treasures they choose to put in it! Some interesting things in there! Hugs!
