Tuesday, December 22, 2009

True gift giving

I really love homemade gifts. I also love when my kids want to do something for someone else.

Here is Matthew trimming the threads from the HAND WARMER he made his dad. He got this idea from his Boys Life Scouting Magazine.

Here is Carolyn the Crafter and her side-kick Anna Always Copying. It all started with the pin cushion Carolyn made for me. Then she decided to make a wallet for Joel and then Anna wanted to make something, so she made Joel a pillow. (Ok she picked out the fabric and Carolyn did the rest....I take that back, Anna did help stuff the pillow a bit). For these projects Carolyn just pushed the foot pedal on the sewing machine. See the next post for more excitement.

1 comment:

  1. I love handmade gifts too. One year I'd like to encourage each member of our family to make something for everyone else. In the meantime, maybe I'll just make something for each of them.
