Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My very tender-hearted girl

Carolyn said a few things that warmed my heart and really made me think tonight. When I was rocking Anna, before putting her to bed, Carolyn said, "I wish I was the youngest, so you could rock me. I miss those times." This made me realize that she needs more cuddle time. Earlier today she peeked in the room where I was sitting with Anna and said, "I just love to see you together." Note to self - much hugging, cuddling needed/enjoyed. We did talk about all the things she can do that Anna can't do and how nicely she is growing up. She came and stood by the rocker and joined the snuggle fest.

Later she said, "Every time you do something for Anna, you are teaching me how to be a mom." I thought this was very sweet too, but then worried (to myself), "What about all those moments when I am out of patience or crabby....eish....hope you aren't paying attention then".