Wednesday, December 16, 2009

For the record

For the record - last week's blizzard (that sent me into a blogging frenzie) was the biggest 1 day snow fall in Iowa in the last 32 years (approximately). Praise the Lord. Having not lived in Iowa for the last 19 years, I thought it was par for the course! Also it was 18 of the average 36 inches the Des Moines area gets in a year!

For the record, Anna is done her Christmas wrapping. Her mother is almost there. It actually was fun wrapping with her. She is still young enough that she has no idea what is coming, nor will she tattle to her siblings about their gifts. I was wrapping this morning when she wanted to cut up paper - then she said, "I need a package". The kids each got their siblings "dollar store" gifts, so she wrapped-up hers. (She was not happy wrapping a generic box I grabbed off he shelf, but was very happy wrapping the gifts to her siblings.) I, being from a very large family, am a very plain-jane wrapper. There were just too many presents long ago to be fancy. But today, we made sure all of the presents from Anna had sweet little bows!

Of course this picture is faked because my camera needs to much light to take a picture in my storage-work room, where the wrapping actually took place. I love this area now! Before, it was my worst nightmare.

For the record this next paragraph is a true story....

Since my storage room is very organized you would think the next saga would be impossible....but alas at 40, my brain is gone. When I did all my Christmas shopping, I was unable to find the correct hair color for the Our Generation Doll that Carolyn wanted. I bought a blond anyway, so that I could get the sale and the free clothes that went with the sale, figuring I would trade out my doll if a brunette became available. I then spoke to my folks, who were able to find a brunette at their store. They brought the brunette with them at Thanksgiving and this morning I was going to take the blond back. I can't find it! I put all the Christmas presents in 2 places - I used a couple of totes and put the big things in the storage closet under the stairs. I was pretty confident the doll fell into the "too big" category...but I can't find the silly thing under the stairs. I took almost everything out...still no doll. I will take a flash light down there tomorrow to see if it is hiding in a shadows, but after that I don't know where to look....the main storage room is clean for goodness sake! I feel like I have hyper-early onset dementia! I did find the free outfit that came with the doll (because that fit into the tote).

1 comment:

  1. I have similar situation driving me nuts....we got Ben a DS game that my mom then said she got. So I went to find mine to return it. After all, I have the receipt nicely ready in my "CMAS RECEIPTS" envelope. So it can be one of two places-a small box that is in our master closet to keep small gifts like electronics that shouldn't be in the cold of the attic or the attic in shopping bags. It is not in either. Seriously, where else would I have put it? Of course, Stu and I did a shopping trip for most cmas stuff on Veterans day, over a month ago and just now getting to wrap/look at stuff. So now we are wondering maybe it never made the shopping bags at the store? who knows? driving me nuts.
    st. anthony st. anthony please come around
    somethings are lost and can not be found
    if you should find them (DS AND DOLL) on your way please return them right away!
