Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Today's Covid report:

The Big 10 has changed their mind AGAIN.... now they will play football in October.

I am posting a picture here, but not it a hooray kind of way.  I really think it is ridiculous.  I don't really care if they play (not a football fan), but don't say you are not going to play only to change your mind a few weeks later.  The college campuses are roaring hot-spots, so why add to that tail-gates and watch parties.  I know we will have the games on here, because golly - the boys even watched Iowa State last weekend....but we are smart enough to not gather with a bunch of people!  Ken said, "it's all about the money". ugh

Also I went to Walmart to get a few things and this woman buzzed into the store in front of me without a mask (they are required at Walmart).  When staff tried to stop her, she said, "there were people just coming out of the store without a mask".  The worker tried to explain that they took the masks off when they were leaving, but she had none of it. She kept walking right past the worker and went to the service desk.  I really hope that they turned her away.  If you don't want to follow their rules, they understand that they will lose your business....but as a business they have the right to make rules for their store... always, but especially during a pandemic.  They have a right to keep their employees and customers as safe as possible.  PEOPLE LIKE THAT MAKE ME SO CRAZY.  cuz let's be honest....who is most likely to be a Covid about a militant anti-masker.....yep her!  Because likely she hasn't worn a mask anywhere that would let her get away with it and clearly she isn't concerned about spreading the disease.

My neighbor (who lost his mother to Covid 54 days ago) lost his father 2 days ago.  His dad was "asymptomatic" Covid at the same time that it killed his wife.  (They lived in a nursing home where almost every resident got the disease.)  Now my neighbor has lost both of his parents in less than 2 months.....(I wanted to scream at the Walmart lady "THIS IS WHY I WEAR A MASK TO THE STORE YOU *&^&!"  but of course I did not.)

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