Thursday, January 13, 2022

Another one falls!

 Ken came home from work early with a mask on his face.  I knew that couldn't be good.  He always is congested in the morning, but today it didn't go away like it should.  I quickly ran to the store and got a rapid test.  I am not kidding when I say the line was almost to the door and almost everyone in line was holding at least one Covid test.

Ken tested positive, Carolyn (who had a slight headache) was negative. 

This morning (before going to school) Anna (asymptomatic) was negative.  

Matthew, Carolyn, Anna and I then all took the Test Iowa (PCR test) this morning and sent it off to the Iowa Hygenic Laboratory.  We did this because rapid tests often have false negative (remember the Rose Garden), especially if you are asymptomatic.  

The irony is not lost on my that the name of the test is the same as Joel's Show Choir group, since I think both major choir events have given my family Covid. For the record, Ken wore a mask the whole time while serving (our school was the host) and watching at the event.  It was a cloth mask, which probably wasn't sufficient given the very low mask count at the event.  I converted to KF94 masks after 9 members of my family had Covid in 2 weeks.

Matthew took a rapid test today before work (negative) and is wearing a KF94 mask to his last day.  (Anna is wearing the same kind of mask to school today - although before today she just wanted to wear her normal masks to school.  Of course less than 30% of her peers are even wearing a mask, so I didn't argue before today.  Today she didn't ague :0)

In a nutshell - we did the best we could (except Joel who avoided masks since he was vaccinated and the mandates at church and school were removed...turkey...Anna was so/so) and are doing the best we can today!

I called work because I had the slightest of headaches (last night) and the slightest of congestion (this morning) so that I can get tested there.  ANY symptoms now require testing.  The crazy thing is that I don't work again until Tuesday anyway, so even if I have Covid (which is likely), it doesn't impact my work. Isn't that sweet?  Also doesn't impact Ken's work much since we made him a little work station in our room.

I took over Joel's bed and he is bunking in the basement with Matthew.

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