Saturday, April 11, 2020


Today was "MAKE MANY MASKS DAY"  (wish is was Monday....that would have been a great alliteration!)
It is all I did (besides go on a walk and watch an episode of West Wing around 9pm)!

Great satisfaction!  (my favorite is pictured)

It was great fun when I found pipe-cleaners in my craft box (for the nose)...then when I was almost out, I found some more in a different craft box!! Also I found an extra piece of elastic on my desk...I know this just means I was messy the first time, but I was still happy.  I felt like it was like the  loaves and fishes.....need more it is!  (I also felt like it was God's way of saying "make a few more masks")
This picture jogged my memory.  Joel and I took Lilly to the ARL to be checked out.  (healthy enough for vaccination, still has Kennel cough, must stay on medicine for 10 more days before she can be spayed and adopted).  After this we dropped 2 masks at my colleague's house (in urban Des Moines) and this is what we saw walking calmly through the neighborhood in the middle of the morning.  My friend indicated that there used to be a little forest near her house, that had to be torn down to build a retention pond due to all the flooding in the neighborhood.  She said that even before they tore down the little forest, this family of deer would often visit her neighborhood.

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