Saturday, May 16, 2020


We started with the garden later than I would have hoped.  Truly, Matthew did do some weeding earlier in the month and turned over the soil.  He didn't finish finals until Thursday at 10 and I didn't want to bother him with the garden until he was done.  (and really wanted his help)

Here is Anna with her strawberries in the corner.  We planted them last summer, but you never get any strawberries the first  year, but we might get a few this year.  We also shared some mint with our neighbor, since it comes back every year and was waiting for us.

We were going to plant some seeds, but Matthew was really bothered with the state of the wood around our garden.  (He was a man with a mission and a dad willing to help him get the job done!!!!)  The boys ran to Medards and bought much of what we would need to replace the external shell of the garden.  Here they are removing the chicken wire.  Joel and Anna helped too, it was a real family affair (with only Carolyn not helping because she was at work...and she isn't really into garden planting anyway!!).  I was outside from 2:30 until after 7:30 when you include my walk and the weeding Anna and I did while the boys were shopping for supplies.  It was awesome.  Sometimes I don't go outside all day.  Today I didn't want to go in!!

Tah Dah....not finished yet, but much was done today.  We need to get some more wood and put up new chicken wire.  Doesn't it look SOO much nicer.  Note, we had to move some of Anna's strawberries and then we covered most of them with a laundry basket for the night....pesky rabbits!!! 

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