Wednesday, May 27, 2020


As I walked into work R. walked out.  She was supposed to be our front desk staff today.  M. was busy scrubbing and I came to learn that R. had thrown up.  I also came to learn that vomiting is 8th on the list of Covid19 symptoms. Ugh

I worked all day, went home and had a wonderful dinner that Matthew created (I helped)....Sweddish meatballs on noodles with a salad with Honeycrisp apples and candied pecans and lemon/olive dressing.  So good, although Matthew, ever his own critic, didn't feel the meatballs stayed together well.  (call it Stroganoff then, but I thought the meatballs did just fine and the sauce was divine.)

We watched Senior Spotlight (the video was on 2X normal speed which was so fantastic!)  Matthew's senior year, this was done in graduation gowns and all of the Dollars for Scholars sponsors were there to shake hands with their winner.  

Our favorite senior (we paused for her and her friends)!!!  The funniest part was when we came to someone and she would say, "I am so glad that creepy guy isn't going to the University of Iowa".....cuz I am sure there will be no creeps there.  Luckily most of the creeps from Carolyn's school are staying at the community college.

So lovely and she did a lot of hard work!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, CAROLYN! That's quite a list of scholarships!
